Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is that a flake I see?

No, no.  That's just a flour spot on our Thai chicken pizza crust tonight....

No, no.  That's just a white piece of lint in her hair....

No, no.  That's just bird poop on the sidewalk. 
No, no.  That's just my dad with a Santa Claus beard?!  (I didn't know Crains could grow whiskers)
Forget it.  It's just another snow hole over DC...

After last winter's snow totals, I'm not looking for a blizzard or anything, but something a little more significant than an inch would be nice.


annalisa said...

hahahaha! That's funny! I like the use of all the pictures :)
It really is a snow hole.

Momma Nielson said...

After last year, I'll take the snow hole:) Although a 2 hour delay would be nice tomorrow!

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