Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The main reason for our recent trip to Palmyra was so that we could scout out the area for next year's youth conference (since Glen and I were recently called as the stake youth conference directors).    During youth conference, we will be staying in a church owned camp called Seneca Lake Camp, which features several rustic cabins, a mess hall, and lots of lots of land to run around on.    Additionally there is this beautiful guest house, which is where decided to stay while we were there as a family. 

The home is situated on a gorgeous plot of land in rural upstate NY overlooking one of the Finger Lakes and since it's meant to sleep up to 20 people, it was also significantly larger than our actual home.  It has a HUGE kitchen that had me bordering on covetousness and my kids were thrilled not to be three to a room like they are here at home. 

So I was really enjoying our spacious, clutter-free surroundings for the three days we were there, until one of my kids had the gall to say.... 

 "Mom, look how shiny the sinks are here.  I like it when they don't have those white soap spots in them." 

So after sending the kids on a scummy sink scrubbing spree when we got home, I decided that  it's time to admit that those 5 housekeepers I hired, er, um, gave birth to, don't seem to be doing their jobs too well.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the quality of their training, since everyone knows their mother is a housecleaning Nazi. 

Or was that a  Housecleaning Not-See, wherein if you're tired/busy enough you simply Not-See the clutter?    


1 comment:

Clarinda said...

Ok. I can't believe this hasn't gotten any comments! Housecleaning Not-See? Lara, you crack. me. up!

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