Friday, March 9, 2012

Seussically Speaking...

Oh me!  Oh my!  What a lot of funny hair goes by!   My goodness!  My gracious!   I SWEAR!  This is something brand new!   IT’S A MOUNTAIN OF HAIR!!  It's sticking straight up, with a bow up on tippy-top.  No wires, no hair spray, it just sort of pops!
Wait!  Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at me now!   A trifecta of braids all tied into knots.  It's lovely, it's wacky, and it just hits the spots!  Together we sisters have fun!  Way more fun that if we had our hair in a bun! 
Maybe Dr. Seuss week at school, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Seuss week…perhaps…means a little bit more!  It's wearing crazy, mismatching clothes with hair that is wild.  And when that seems a bit too mild....perhaps dressing up as the cat in the hat!  No need to get pressed or dressed into your best.   When your jammies are striped red and white, white and red, you can just roll out of bed! 
Have no fear, little friends, their jammies are good jammies.  Comfy and cozy and perfect for school!  Except for Adam. His jammies are not red and white, so he needed a hat to make his costume just right!  I do so like tall hats that are striped, so thank you to Grandma Sandy, who gave him the hat that was much hyped!  The hat was liked here.  The hat was liked there.  That hat was liked everywhere! 

I meant what I said and I said what I meant...this blog post is goofy 100 percent!


ANC is still hanging out at zero for the fifth day!  The rest of his blood levels-- hemoglobin (10.3) , hematocrit (29.9), platelets  (134)--are increasing nicely, but white blood cells, red blood cells, and neutrophils are still low.

Glen's kitchen skills may have just passed my own!  At the hospital last night, Glen made a Butterfinger blizzard for Spencer--without a blender.  Spence said it was better than Dairy Queen's.

Spence has been assigned a bunch of his favorite nurses lately.  Hospital time is so much more pleasant for him with a fun and social nurse!

Today I went running, walked the kids to school, cleaned, answered emails, did laundry, went to Costco, and Trader Joes all before coming to the hospital for the night.   For a few hours, life seemed almost normal again and I liked it.


"It's a troublesome world. All the people who're in it are troubled with troubles almost every minute. You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you're lucky you're not."

                                                                                                                                        ~Dr. Seuss

4 comments: said...

Oh, the places you went, the places you'll go. Isn't it nice when you can go with the flow? When life isn't busy, when your schedule is slow, you feel warm all over and your face starts to glow!

K said...

The hair is so awesome! It's a good look for Emma! (o:

Hope Spence's ANC comes up soon!

clarsen said...

I LOVE it!

Kim said...

Lara- I was so happy to find this blog. I have been thinking of you and your family and sending you lots of prayers. I'm so glad to see the pictures of the kids dressed up for Seuss week. Too cute!

Keeping you all in my prayers.

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