Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Feeling it in His Scar

Most people tune into the Weather Channel with its high tech radars and myriad of meteorologists to get their weather news ...

We have something much more reliable in our house....
Spencer's scar from his central line. 

Although he likes to tell people it's his bullet wound, in actuality the scar has quite a knack for predicting the arrival of big storms. 

About a day before a storm rolls through, his scar starts aching.  It doesn't ache any other time and since we don't have a working tv in the house, often his aching scar is our first hint that bad weather is coming.  I don't know if it has something to do with the barometric pressure or some other weather factor that changes before a storm, but just like someone who says that they can feel it in their bones....

Spencer feels it in his scar. 
And for the record...yes, his scar was totally aching last night and this morning. 


Candice.kulbeth@gmail.com said...


K said...

That's pretty awesome! Wish it would rain like that here. I am glad it's finally cooled down a little! Enjoy the rain!

annalisa said...

hahaha! That is awesome!

Let me know the next time it starts aching, so I can prepare for the storm.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

That's crazy! Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I'm not sure.

Steve-Rosanna said...

What a gift! Only wish his scar had the power to divert some of wet weather in our direction. It is so dry out here in the west. But, it has cooled down significantly and our nightly temps have been down in the 40's and low 50's. Perfect sleeping weather. Thankfully!

shannon said...

That is crazy! It's like Harry Potter sensing some foreboding moment with Voldemort. I wonder if this gets out if meteorologists will want to hire him! Or hire his scar :)

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