Monday, June 24, 2013

Then and Now

 Although I spent the last few weeks of school longing for the more laid back schedule of summer, I find myself now struggling  to adjust to the non-routineness of summer life.  I forgot  how late the kids stay up each night without early morning seminary to wake up for and my body doesn't know what to do with the varying dinner times that range from anywhere between 5-8pm each night.

I keep thinking of  a long list of exciting things to blog about (exciting being a relative term), but until I regain my mostly functioning brain again and figure out what day of the week it is, this then-and-now picture of Spencer will have to do.

I will give a special prize to the first person who correctly determines the location where these pictures were taken nearly sixteen years apart.



Cindy said...

Looks like Sweetwater

Anne Marie said...

Cheesecake Factory?

Charlene said...

I was going to say Cheesecake Factory too!!

Steve said...

Panera Bread

R said...

I am Guessing IHOP although when I put it in it keeps changing IHOP to inoperable.

Steve said...

Potbelly's or Au Bob Pain

Mom said...


alexandra said...

Definitely Cheesecake Factory. I don't get out much but I remember when I do!

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