Or is it penance enough that I came home at 10:00pm to find...

AND dried throw-up all over the basement?
I've been tagged! I did this similar one almost a whole year ago, but since I’ve been tagged again by my friend Denise, here are the ABC’s of me in 2008!
A-Attached or Single: Attached
B-Best Friend: Glen
C-Cake or Pie: Pie
D-Day: Sunday afternoons
E-Essential Item: Computer...sadly.
F-Favorite Color: Red or blue--depending on the day
G-Gummi bears or gummi worms: No thanks, I prefer chocolate
H-Hometown: Blaine, Minnesota
I-Indulgences: anything with chocolate and peanut butter
J-January or July: July. No question.
K-Kids: 5 awesome kids.
L-Life is incomplete without: my quiet time in the afternoon
M-Marriage Date: December 18, 1993
N-Number of Siblings: Just 7.
O-Oranges or Apples: Apples.
P-Phobias or Fears: of being completely misunderstood
Q-Quote: "The greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home." Harold B. Lee
R-Reason to Smile: I've got six big reasons! (that's including Glen you know!)
S-Season: Autumn
T-Tag Three: Charlene, Alex, Deanne
U-Unknown fact about me: I dread Saturdays—they’re just not fun like they used to be in my younger years!
V-Vacation destination of choice: Greece or Italy
W-Worst Habit: Procrastination.
X-X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds...I think I could give my own now.
Y-your favorite food: Chicken Parmesan
Z-Zodiac Sign: Taurus (Glen would agree that this is a fitting sign for me).