Instead of a laid back week of popsicles and the pool, somehow we ended up spending our first full week of summer vacation with four of our five kids attending camps this past week. I wish I could say that that fact meant that it was a relaxing and quiet week for me with the kids out of the house, but in reality all the driving around to the camps meant that it ended up being about as chaotic and exhausting as any normal school week.
Adam spent the week at Cub Scout day camp, which essentially was eight hours a day times five days filled with friends, archery, hiking, passing off requirements, bugs, nature, and swimming. It was right up Adam's alley and he thoroughly enjoyed his week.
I chaperoned on Wednesday and gained a great appreciation for how amazingly organized and patient our scout leaders are. Boy, can 10-year-old boys be squirrelly!

Ellie had never been to a camp before, so when her friend invited her to join her for a sports camp the same week as Adam's day camp, I decided to let her give it a try. She was torn between doing lacrosse (to follow in her older siblings' footsteps) or doing cheerleading with her friends. In the end though, her friends won out and she had a fun week of jumping around and learning cheers....something that was not a stretch at all for Ellie's bubbly and happy personality!
It all came together beautifully in the end and both Spence and Cam had a wonderful time performing service, doing temple work, and building friendships!

One of their favorite parts of YC was their tubing trip at Harper's Ferry.
They couldn't stop raving about how breathtakingly beautiful it was there and I now want to take our family back there for a tubing trip of our own!
Her excitement for the week was supposed to be getting braces, but a little insurance glitch discovered mere minutes before getting them on made it necessary for us to wait a few more months. She was a little bummed for the last minute shift in plans, but I, for one, am glad that the glitch was discovered before the ortho started working instead of after.